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Prime Proteins: High Quality Calories from Cinderella Solution

Prime Proteins are one of the main food categories in the Cinderella Solution diet program for women. They can be animal proteins, or from plant-based sources.

In a previous article, we talked about Angel Carbs and how they complement the meal structure of the Ignite and Launch Phases. It was all about carbohydrates, particularly vegetables. In this article, we'll look into proteins and calories.

Here's a list of Cinderella Solution's (CS) food categories:

All four of the food categories above are vital to the diet program's success. It works by consuming specific food items to ensure that the body's hormones can operate at optimal levels. Once the body gets accustomed to its new diet environment, then fat burning becomes an easy task.

Prime Proteins aren't just about the calories that we put into our bodies. If they were, then feeding on pizza, burger, ice cream, and protein shakes all day is alright. In CS, protein sources are selected based on quality. Eating the right kind will not only burn more calories, but will also make you feel rejuvenated."

The Role of Prime Proteins

Proteins play a number of important jobs in the body. They can pose as law enforcers that protect against viruses and other unknown contaminants the enter the body. They can also act as motivational speakers that can induce chemical reactions needed for digestion and energy use. When the muscles get injured, they are equipped to heal and rebuild them. Need some nutrients delivered to the other side? Yep, they do deliveries too.

Role of Prime Proteins

Proteins are very good at what they do, and they're always in-demand. Unfortunately, our bodies don't have storage spaces for them. Excess proteins are turned into glucose, then into fat. Unlike fats, proteins have to be replenished on a regular basis so that the body has enough of them. Conversely, a lack of protein leads to muscle weakness, swelling, malnutrition, and a few other serious ailments.

Role of Prime Proteins in the Ignite and Launch Phases

In Cinderella Solution's first phase, the body is cleansed, and then conditioned to take in specific food items that aid in fat burning. Typical Prime Proteins, such as pork and beef are kept in control here because they are difficult to digest. Instead, Royal Fats are consumed more frequently to spur metabolism.

Role of Prime Proteins in the Ignite and Launch Phases

In the second phase, the body is now ready to take in more Prime Proteins. Beef, pork, fish, chicken, and protein-rich vegetables can be eaten in large amounts. With optimized hormones and enhanced metabolism, fat burning and muscle building become more effective.

Prime Protein Examples

Prime Proteins constitute the biggest percentage of your food budget. The table below are some examples of healthy and high quality proteins that you can buy:

Food Item

Food Item

Chicken breasts

Greek yogurt

Chicken/Pork liver

Pork tenderloin

Egg whites

Veggie burger


Tofu (extra firm)

More Prime Proteins

Want more choices? The Cinderella Solution Quick Start Guide has over 20 food items with exact measurements. Options for vegans and vegetarians are available as well.

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