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Power Carbs: Cinderella Solution’s Superior Energy Source

The Cinderella Solution diet program for women has two types of carbohydrates - Angel Carbs and Power Carbs. Both of them play an important role in weight reduction, but each has its distinct attributes. Before we discuss their differences, here's a list of the program's 4 main macronutrients:

In the Angel Carbs article, we learned that they refer to the less starchy foods. They are also low in calories, rich in fiber, along with vitamins and minerals. They are dominated by vegetables. Examples of Angel Carbs include kale, broccoli, egg plant, and tomato.

Power Carbs - Vegetables

The role of Angel Carbs is to optimize our hormone levels. Insulin, in particular, has to be working efficiently because it is the hormone responsible for supplying the body's energy needs. Insulin imbalance (also known as insulin resistance) can lead to various health conditions, such as hunger, dizziness, and loss of concentration.

Power carbs are starchy and fiber-rich foods. They help in eliminating visceral fat that are around many of our organs. Their most important role is to provide a high-caliber energy source without disrupting the body's insulin levels.

Power Carb Examples

Most of the Power Carbs are found in fruits, but they also have presence in grains. It should be noted that those who are intolerant to gluten, or are allergic to wheat have non-grain food choices as well.

Power Carbs



Chick Peas






Oats (gluten-free)


Macronutrients and the Cinderella Solution

Need more info on Power Carbs and other macronutrients? You'll get a more detailed explanation on them, plus recipes, meals, and serving sizes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Get your own copy of the manual now!

Power Carbs in the Ignite Phase

In the Ignite Phase, consumption of fruits is limited in order to avoid interference with insulin management systems. This phase is all about cleansing and priming. That's why low-GI foods are required. A low GI value means that blood sugar levels increase in a slow and steady manner - an ideal conditioning environment for the body.

Meal Time - Power Carbs


limited or none


full serving


limited or none

Lunch is the only time that you are allowed to consume a full serving of Power Carbs. For breakfast and dinner, you are encouraged to consume a limited amount, or none at all.

Power Carbs in the Launch Phase

In the Launch Phase, eating more Power Carbs is allowed to ensure that there is enough supply of energy when doing physical activities. The Launch Phase is all about optimization. Workouts during this 14-day period are important. The more intense the workout, the more fat burning occurs.

Exercises, along with Cinderella Solution food pairings, will refine the hormones responsible for weight loss. These include, insulin, testosterone, and growth hormones.

Meal Time - Power Carbs


full serving


full serving


half serving


limited or none

You are allowed to consume a full serving of Power Carbs during breakfast and lunch. There is also a snack time in the Launch Phase. It occurs after lunch and before dinner. An additional half serving of Power Carbs is allowed during snack time.

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