How Ketosis Turns the Body Into a Lean Mean Machine - Featured

How Ketosis Turns the Body Into a Lean Mean Machine

Ketosis is a state wherein the body turns to alternative sources of energy in order to meet its demands. Its primary source is glucose. If there is insufficient supply of glucose, then fat reserves are used as a substitute. Less fat equals leaner body.

The theory behind it is that the body will burn fat if deprived of nearly all carbohydrate sources. Some popular examples of food that are rich in carbohydrates include, bread, milk, corn, oats, potato, and rice. Processed food, like soda, junk food, hamburger, and pastries also contain a considerable amount of carbs. These carbs are usually turned into glucose, which are then distributed throughout the different organ systems.

Chemical Structures Of Various Ketone Bodies

Chemical structures of various ketone bodies.

But what if you purposefully eat food that are low in carbohydrates? In this instance, the liver turns to fat and converts it to ketones. Once they reach the brain, the body goes into a state of ketosis.

Diets that are low in starch and sugar content do not directly affect blood sugar levels, which also tend to suppress production of insulin. This means that those with type 2 diabetes, epilepsy, and even cancer can greatly benefit from a ketogenic diet.

Ketosis for Everyone

Is a ketogenic diet for you? Take a look at the various types of people who undergo ketosis so that they can be a lean mean machine.

Weight Loss Crowd

Ketosis is extremely popular among those who want to lose weight. Still have that baby fat several months after giving birth? Can't resist eating at fast food restaurants on a regular basis? A ketogenic diet might just be what you've been wanting to get into. It provides quick results, and is not too strict on your food choices.


Endomorphs are people who are overly responsive to consumption of calories. They are often labeled as chubby. They can easily gain weight, but find it tough to lose the same amount. Getting into a state of ketosis can be an easy transition for endomorphs because they already consume a lot of food.

Chronic Pain Sufferers

Those with arthritis, migraine, or fibromyalgia can also benefit from a ketogenic diet. An increase in sugar or starch intake can worsen the pain, thus taking them away from the menu can significantly minimize those triggers. Keto-friendly foods that reduce inflammation include, broccoli, cauliflower, tomato, and nuts.

Good fat is what fuels the body. It’s lean, efficient, and a source of energy and strength. Fat burned for energy can prevent blood pressure from going too high, as well as lower blood sugar levels. It also speeds up healing and rehabilitation.

This is how ketosis turns the body into a lean mean machine, just like how our ancestors used to do thousands of years ago.

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